Morning & Afternoon Program

Summer MAP Camp: School Age Childcare Program registration is available April 1, 2025.  

June 9, 2025 -August 22, 2025
6:30 a.m.-5:45 p.m.

Community Education programs are designed to be self-sustaining, meaning they generate their own funding through fees, donations, and partnerships rather than relying on government or school-based funding. These programs are typically run by nonprofits and offer a wide range of learning opportunities that aim to meet the specific needs of the community. By self-sustaining, these programs ensure they can continue offering services without depending on fluctuating external funding sources.

Our mission is to provide quality care for children that is safe, engaging, and enjoyable. Our warm and caring staff maintain a positive and stimulating atmosphere where your child is cared for and respected.  

Our Goals are:

  • To provide affordable, convenient, and dependable child care services.
  • To create a child care setting for social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
  • To provide a nurturing environment. 
  • To provide active meaningful learning experiences. 

Summer MAP Camp Rates:

$20 per child registration fee due at registration.

Type of Schedule - Price per Day  Contract Drop In
Scheduled Daily Rate (M, Tu, W, F) $30.00 $50.00

Thursday Field Trip Days (if attending other days) 

$50.00 $70.00

Thursday Field Trip Days ONLY 



MAP is closed the following days: 6/19 and 7/4

Toilet Training
Children attending childcare need to be independently toilet trained in order to attend our program. Independently toilet-trained means that the student: 

  • comes to childcare in big kid underpants (not pull-ups)
  • can communicate a need to use the bathroom.
  • can independently take care of toileting (pull down underpants, sit on toilet or stand at urinal, and void the bowels or bladder)
  • can independently manage related hygiene (can access toilet paper, wipe, place used toilet paper in the toilet bowl, flush, pull up underpants without assistance, and wash and dry hands) 
  • We do realize that fully toilet-trained students may have an occasional accident, so we ask that you send an extra set of clothing for your child (full outfit including a top, bottom, underwear, and socks) in a gallon-size ziplock bag with your child’s name on it. If your child has an accident, we will assist them as much as possible with getting changed. Please make sure another set of clothing is sent with your child the following day. If you have any questions about eligibility, feel free to contact us.

    Medical Needs
    Medical questions regarding your child's health & allergies will be asked during the registration process. Failure to provide us with this information may delay your child's start date. 

    Medications can be dispensed by staff.  If possible, please give medications before they arrive and after they leave MAP.

    The Parent Handbook goes over in detail the rules and what is expected of both you and the MAP staff. 

    Student Supply List (please label all with your child’s name)

    Creating an Arux Account

    Enrolling in Child Care


    Community Education Director MAP Billing MAP Program Supervisor
    Amy Krueger Kaci Benner Tammy Johannes-Kramer
    320-584-4248 320-584-4002 320-584-4118 
    Morning & Afternoon Program Logo
    Contact Info
    120 S Hawthorn St
    Royalton, MN 56373

    Jump to: MAP School Year 2024-2025 Summer 2025

    Summer 2025

    Registration begins
    Apr. 1st at 6:00 AM
    Enroll in Summer 2025 Now

    MAP School Year 2024-2025